Tuesday, October 30, 2007

If you say you are going to do it....DO IT!

What is up these days? When I was taught the difference between right and wrong, it was instilled that not doing what you said you were going to do is the same thing as lying. And just to make it clear...lying is wrong...or at least to some of us it is...those of you who I know lie will remain nameless at this time...

If you say you are going to be somewhere at a particular time, be there! If you say you are going do a certain something...stick to your word and do it!

Your word and honor are 2 things that can be easily tarnished by not following through with what one says they are going to do. For those of you who are notorious for not performing...start with something small and work your way up to the "larger" ticket items. One of the best things to start with is to be on time to appts...when you say you are going to be there...be 5 minutes early...so yourself and others the respect of not throwing someone's entire day off track.

Monday, October 29, 2007

It's Time To Blog...

That's it! Enough is enough! It's time to start blogging with the best of them. I have a voice to be heard and a way of thinking to be consider! Stay tuned for the update to the date news and issues that are near and dear to my life and those who surround me.